Monday, July 30, 2012

hello my name is

Gina. At the age of 27 I was diagnosed with type I diabetes. This radically changed my world and my viewpoint towards food. Although type II diabetes is very closely linked with lack of exercise and a bad diet, the cause of type I is not yet known. I suspect that is linked to nutrition as well, and what we put into our bodies has tangible results. I’ve noticed a growing number of artificial aspects to modern society, one of the more troubling is how we produce our food. Crowded farm animals and crops lead to denigration of the bodies and souls of these living beings. Nutrients churned to bits and modified cells make products that are fast and easy. Products we can eat on-the-go. Where are we going? Is this the best way to nourish ourselves? What is exactly is health?
These are the questions that I ponder and hope to address in the science experiment that is living with type I diabetes. I see my friends and family, people in my community and all over the US that struggle with bulging waistlines, type II, and a host of other chronic diseases. I can’t help but compare our struggles and see my rising and falling blood sugar as a barometer for what results from certain dietary choices. As I chronicle my diet and my blood glucose readings a few results seem to be consistent:
All processed food, high glycemic carbohydrates, and foods containing sugar send my blood glucose soaring to dangerously high levels. Vegetables and regular exercise maintain a steady blood glucose level.
My goal here is to share my journey to figuring out what is healthy, and replace the loads of unhealthy marketing with delicious, exciting, healthy choices. This might involve some marketing for vegetables. And by might I mean definitely. I want to know what to eat that will keep my blood glucose steady, tastes good, and is easy to prepare. This is a guide for myself and anyone else that wants to listen and benefit.
xo, Gina


  1. Hi Gina! Congrats on your blog. I LOVE the concept. I read your story on 'Wish I Knew Wednesday' and I look forward to following you. My concern is twofold: my own diet (eh) and my kids diet (awful). Your breakfast recipe looks different, but I'm going to give it a whirl. Best of luck, Jen

  2. Thanks so much for the encouragement Jen! I'm so excited to have readers! I hope you will try the breakfast and let me know what you (& your kids) think.
